Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Taking a stroll down memory lane

I am sitting here in my living room, surrounded by my family, waiting to go to bed.  Yes, I would like to sleep in the new year.  I guess that makes me old.  I use want to celebrate the new year.  I wanted to be with friends, then I wanted to be with my husband.  I wanted to dance the new year in, then as midnight approached exchange our hopes for the next year, and then ring in the year with a kiss.  Yes I am a hopeless romantic!

I sit here tonight and I reflect back on this past year.  Hindsight is always 20/20, but if you do not know where you have been how will you know where you are going?  I am happy with this year, it could have been worse.  I made it through the year without any serious medical issues, as did my children and husband.  My extended family did not really have serious medical issues. 

My job is still very productive, I am still happy working at the church.  I still feel as if I am doing good work there.  My kids are enjoying themselves, I feel as if things are really clicking. 

I am watching commercials on TV that are going through the memorable moments of 2013.  What a year we have had.  I would like to thank everyone for a great year!  I mean, who knew that as long as I own a computer I could get a printer that would print me food!  I never knew I couldn't live without a 3d printer!

I never knew my life was incomplete until I tried a pretzel bun.  Thank you fast food for letting me know I could combine my snacks with my junk meals!  I also didn't realize I needed alcoholic coffee until this year.  Continuing with the food theme I am so glad cronuts have made their way into my life.  I now do not have to choose between croissants or doughnuts.  I get to have both!

There are some fashion trends that I think can stay in 2013, as I do not wish to see them in 2014.  Leather jogging pants are not flattering and really serve no purpose.  Also wedged tennis shoes and overly ripped jeans. 

I do not think that selfies will go away, since the word is going to be added to the dictionary.  I also have no use for all the reality shows on TV now, but I am sure that Duck Dynasty or My Strange Addiction will not be going off air anytime soon.

Each year there are those what were we thinking moments and those trends that we want to continue on into the next year.  I want happiness to be a trend in 2014 for everyone.  I want joy.  I want family time to be a trend for everyone.  I know that I am wishing for a lot, those are not items that make it on a trend list.  Those do not become the new innovation to make our lives better.

If people were to actually prioritize happiness, joy, and family moments they would realize that they have the power to make our lives better.  If we cannot rely on our family, who can we rely on?  In 2014 I hope that people can slow down. 

The bible tells us that there is a time for everything and to be still.  I hope that more people can do that in 2014.  I have to work on it, I always feel as if I have to be on the go, but I am getting better.  We always end our days with family dinners.

From my family to yours, here is wishing you joy in 2014.  I also hope that you can latch on to some silly trend so that one day you can look back and wonder "What was I thinking?" 

God Bless you all!


Friday, December 20, 2013

Most wonderful time of the year....

School is out!  It is Christmas break!  The children and youth of Fremont are excited as the second quarter is over with, and Christmas is almost here.  Some parents may be excited to have more time with their children, but other parents may be stressing about child care or Christmas. 

There always seems to be talk about stress around Christmas time.  Even in our prayers during youth group, the youth were praying for their parents and families to not be so stressed about the season.  That says a lot when the kids are hoping the parents will calm down.

Christmas has become so commercialized.  I do not think it will ever be able to go back to the way it was.  I am just as guilty as the next person, striving to find the perfect gifts for my children, so that they can have a good Christmas.

What does that even mean, "a good Christmas"?  As I sit here in my recliner, typing this I look at my house.  I have a tree up, I have Christmas decorations up, I have presents under the tree.  Are these requirements to have a good Christmas?  Do children really need the best presents to enjoy the season? 

I look at what I would need to have a good Christmas, and that is happiness with my family.  I would love to just have a day with them, and not worry about anything.  To spend the day in their company, rejoicing the gift that was given to the world thousands of years ago.  It is hard for children to fully understand the gift of Jesus, as they are not far enough on their faith journeys to fully comprehend what that means.  There are times when I have trouble wrapping my brain around what God gave us.  The presents we give each other at the holidays are intended to remind us of the gift that God gave us.  I have to ask though, did God really intend for us to spend so much money to celebrate his son's birthday?

I do not think that was ever his intention.  God wants us to remember the gift he gave us, but to not corrupt it.  I think as modern humans, we have to find the balance and remember to keep Christ in Christmas.  With cooking, baking, parties, gifts, and family it can be hard to keep Christ in Christmas.  We have to try though.  There would be no Christmas if it was not for Christ.  Sure businesses have helped to over commercialize this holiday, but it wouldn't be a holiday if it were not for Christ.

So there is a purpose to all this holiday madness.  There is a reason that kids get out of school for two weeks.  People just need to remember the reason, remember to keep Christ around.  I can not give you the formula for that on a silver platter, as each family is different, I can only give you suggestions.

You may read The Night Before Christmas, well I encourage you to also read the Christmas story from the bible.  If you have no problem talking about Santa with your children, there should be no problem talking about Christ.  I would recommend Luke 2:1-20 as it a great story about the birth of Christ.  You can also find numerous picture books to share with your children as you tell this story. 

I would also encourage you to attend a Christmas service at a church.  There are numerous churches that have contemporary or traditional services along with candlelight or praise services.  I do not know your personal tastes, so I cannot tell you which one to attend.  I am personally attending an 11:30 pm praise service on Christmas Eve with my family.  There will be no sermon, just songs rejoicing the time of year.  I prefer to worship in song, that is how get spiritually fulfilled.  It is a personal choice. 

A church service is a wonderful way to teach your children about the reason for the season.  This is one of the most wonderful times of the year, we rejoice in the gift given to us so many years ago; and then we get to start a new year full of new promises.  It is a time to be with family and loved ones.  It is a time to slow down.  If you think that you cannot slow down, I hope you take a look at what you have made Christmas in your house, and find a way to change it so that you can enjoy it.  Your children will remember moments not gifts when they are older.  They want memories and traditions that they can pass on to their own children.  Gifts break or are worn out, memories last a lifetime.

I wish that each of you have a Christmas full of memories for the right reasons.  I wish that each of you have a good Christmas, whatever that definition may be for you.  I also wish that each of you remember the reason for this precious season and make that reason a part of your holiday.  God bless each of you!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

So Much Noise!

I must admit that I am terrible at remembering to blog on a regular basis.  Life gets in the way, it really does.  I have children, a husband, work, and friends.  It makes it hard for me sometimes to remember to slow down and blog.  This time of year there is so much to talk about.  There are so many activities, parties, and emotions.  There is just so much noise!

I understand that Christmas has been commercialized.  I take part in buying my children gifts during the Christmas season.  I help to make retail stores push even more merchandise towards consumers.  I am part of the whole mess.  I also stop though and take time to remind my children the reason for the season, but that is not the reason for blogging today.  See all the shopping, parties, activities, and emotions are just NOISE.

Noise gets in the way of everything we do.  We want to buy a car, everyone has  some sort of noise to get us to not trust ourselves in our decisions.  As students we want to focus on homework, but there are after school activities, friends, and social media all distracting us!  That is all noise.

Noise is the stuff that gets in our way when we want to focus on something else.  I have had so much noise, I have found it difficult to make time to have a clear head and blog.  I have noise get in my way when I need to do some projects, so much in fact that I end up rushing to finish.  I am just as guilty.

Noise also gets in our way when we try to trust God.  Our brains will keep questioning why something happened.  Then as our brains question, we get a range of emotions from sadness to anger to guilt.  That type of noise, keeps us further from trusting God.  It is a hard cycle to break, but we need to break the noise cycle.

The bible tells us in Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."  The trick to that scripture is to be still.  To be still means we have clear all the noise out of our heads and hearts.  We have to stop the worrying, stop any anger, stop any sadness, stop the distractions; and we have to trust in God. 

I make a point every day to clear the noise out of my head, even if it is just for a moment.  After that moment, it is easier to reset my priorities and focus on any task at hand (obviously except for blogging!). 

I urge you to push away the noise, find a moment and just breathe.  It will help you to determine what you need to be spending your energies on and assist you in giving some things over to God!

Just be still!



Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Letters from Jesus

I am sure that most people would agree that they would want a letter from Jesus or God.  Just a simple letter telling what to do or how something is going to work out.  In today's society, people just want the information in a condensed form, they do not necessarily want to read the bible.  Just send me a test message, or a tweet. Some days I would take a SnapChat with a positive note letting me know that I am doing good.

Jesus and God want us to surrender our all to him.  I recently was teaching the middle school youth group and I came across a letter from Jesus.  I want to share some of it with you:

"So, you don't feel you're 'good enough' in your interactions.  Why are you focused on yourself?  Surrender to me your feelings of unworthiness, perfectionism, wrong motives, personality quirks, and concern of how you appear to others.   Surrender to me your idea of success and let me show you what prosperity in me looks like.  Allow me to prosper you far beyond what you could ever dream or imagine.  I'm not promising you earthly riches, but what I'll give you in return for your surrender is an abundant life of fulfillment and joy."

Are you still with me?  Those are some strong words from Jesus.  He wants us to surrender.  Here is some more from the letter:

"I see the weight on your shoulders.  I know you're exhausted.  Come to me, just as you are - weary and heavy-laden, and I promise to give you rest.  I'll renew your spirit.  Surrender to me your fatigue, your exhaustion.  My yoke is easy and my burden is light.  I'm the reason you'll be able to persevere.  And surrender to me, too, your tendency to be a lone ranger in certain areas of your life.  I completely understand that this presents a huge step of faith for you, so trust that I won't disappoint you.  I'm the One who will send you a team to surround you and carry you through."

Those are some heavy words.  Words that I think most of us need to hear.  I have one little bit that I want to share.  I think that this is the most powerful statement from this letter:

"Do you understand that what I want is you?  Not only the parts you choose to give me; not only the parts you can't seem to make better; not only the parts you dislike - but all of you.  More than anything, I want you in a loving and intimate relationship with me.  I want to grow you into spiritual maturity, into a likeness of me.  I want to see your faith increase as you experience men every aspect of your life.  I'm asking you to surrender to me - all of you - now."

That letter was very powerful.  To read that Jesus wants some of the worst parts of my life.  He wants us to surrender to him, to give him all of us.  Can you do that?  Jesus already knows the worst about you, so why do you continue to try hide it?  Each of us is human, so each of us makes mistakes.  The time is now to get over yourself and surrender to Jesus... Are you strong enough to do it?

Dueces ~Jennifer

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The world is currently all a buzz about Miley Cyrus and the choices she is making right now.  Miley is attempting to ditch her girl-next-door, sweet reputation and make people take her as a serious adult musician.  People are having a hard time accepting the new Miley. 

Miley made her way into many hearts by being a nice daddy girl who just wanted to be normal.  I don't know about you, but I find nothing normal about licking a dirty sledge hammer!  As of late, Miley seems more concerned with showing her body, then being sweet.

I get it, she wants to transition out of teenager into adult.  She wants to continue to make music, but to appeal to other generations, not just screaming girls.  As we grow older, we have to find a way to transition ourselves into the next chapter of our lives.  Luckily, most of us do not have to do it in the public eye, but we all have transitions.

Change can be difficult for some people.  We all go through change.  We change school buildings, move away for college, start an adult life, those are all changes and transitions we must handle.  God knows that we will go through changes.  He tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

The bible verse continues on to list all the things:
"a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."

Those are a lot of different changes that can happen and God says there will be a time for all of them! 

So as you are going through different transitions in your life, I hope that you take them more gracefully than Miley Cyrus, and I hope you understand that now is the time for this transition and soon it will be time for another transition.  If you need help with your transitions, please never hesitate to ask for help.  God Bless.

~Dueces Jennifer

Friday, September 6, 2013

Somebody Cares...

I was thinking back to my high school years the other day, and was remembering how much I felt like an outcast.  I didn't feel as if I was accepted by my peers, I always seemed to be crushing on the guys who had no interest in me.  I look back and realize how alone I felt.  It didn't help that I was not athletic, and I really was not thin.  I feel as if I was a social outcast.  People only tolerated me, because murder is illegal.

Now, I know you think that I am going to extreme there, but really I felt like everyone hated me.  I tried so hard to be liked that I even did my classmates homework. (Yes I know that I shouldn't have, but hey at least they were talking to me then!)

I was not involved in a church youth group.  I didn't really belong to any clubs.  I was a cheerleader, but that was so I wouldn't have to take PE.  I was really into theater, but theater in my little high school is nothing like theater is here in Fremont.  If I was going to be honest, I don't know that anyone I went to high school with was quite as excited about theater as I was.  The only time I really saw the people I went to school with, was as school.  I didn't engage in social functions very often, and when I did I felt very out of place.

I look back to this time, and I feel blessed that I made it out alive!  Seriously, I didn't take to cutting myself, I wasn't classified emo.  I was just there, and I felt like nobody cared.

Now that I am older, I realize that that assumption was wrong.  I had great teachers, and a few friends.  Somebody other than my family did care.  I also realize that even though I had no relationship with God, he cared! 

John 3:16 tells us that "for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son."  I am a parent now, and I don't know that I love someone enough to give up my child!  That is a crazy amount of love!  God was there when I was in high school feeling lonely.  He was loving me, even though I wasn't even acknowledging he was there. 

There are teenagers out there who feel like no one understands, no one cares, and that they are alone.  These people need to understand first of all, God is there!  Secondly, there is someone who cares: YOU JUST HAVE TO FIND THAT PERSON!  The person who cares is not necessarily going to be wearing a sign that says: "Hey!  I care about you!"  There are always youth group leaders, teachers, coaches, parents, friends, or other adults that care. 

I urge everyone to make sure they know who cares so that, when needed, you can reach out and get help with anything when needed.  Whether it be to just hang out, or to talk; find that person. People need people, believe someone cares!

Dueces!  ~Jennifer

Friday, August 30, 2013

To Fear or Not to Fear....

Most people are afraid of something... As a little kid, we tend to have no fear.  We will climb to the top of furniture without the fear of falling, we will race on our bikes without the fear of an accident, we will jump off of the stairs without the fear of breaking a bone, and we will walk up to new kids on the playground and be their friends without the fear of being rejected or judge.  Then something happens as we grow up, we begin to be afraid of falling, having an accident, breaking a bone, or being judged.  All of a sudden we want to be cool, calm, collected, and accepted by our peers. 

I have noticed that the fear of being accepted is what keeps a lot of teenagers from church or Christ.  All of a sudden it isn't seen as cool to be a youth group attendee, or to live a life that Christ wants us to.  Teenagers will start to follow their friends in deciding what to do and not necessarily the bible.

The bible tells us to not focus on fear but to focus on what is real and true. Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

What?! To not thing about the things that frighten us?! I know personally I struggle with this.  It is easy to get caught up in the negative, or focus on what is bad.  The scripture tells us that we should not focus on fear! 

Right now there is a lot of focusing on the negative in Fremont.  We have had a terrible summer for this community.  The after effects of this summer have lead individuals to fear driving, to fear death, to fear talking to certain people.  It has also lead to lifestyle changes.  While we mourn loss of life, we also need to focus on the good that came from those young men. 

There are friends of these young men, who have changed what they do because they do not want memories to come back to them.  I ask do you think your departed friends would want you stay away from something you enjoyed because you don't want to remember them?  Because you are afraid something will be said about the accident? 

There are so many people who are trying to figure out how to live life now with the loss of these men.  It will be a struggle, and it will be painful for years to come.  I ask you though, are you going to let the fear of conversations or memories keep you from your life?  Are you going to choose to not remember your friends in a positive way?  If you keep fearing everyday life how will you ever live? 

The scripture tells us to focus on the noble, right, lovely, and pure.  So Christ is telling us to continue to live, but to remember all the good times we had with our departed friends.  When you avoid life because of this accident, you are actually focusing on the accident, not your friends life.

So this is one time you can overcome fear, reach out and ask for help if you need a little push to overcome fear.  Remember you will cry, because you miss them and that is okay.  What is not okay is stop living your life.  You do your friend's memories no good by not living.

Dueces! ~Jennifer

Friday, August 23, 2013

Back to school

School has started here for the surrounding school districts, and I am in awe of how teenagers can juggle so many different commitments.  I thought that juggling work, ministry, and a family was difficult; but students these days juggle so much more.  Students not only have their school work, but then there are after school activities.  Some have a job, and almost all of them have their responsibilities at home.  It is very easy for students to get caught up in the whirlwind of school that they lose sight of themselves and of Christ.

Most students want to fit in at school.  They want to have friends and have different social engagements to add to their already very full calendars.  I admit it makes school a lot easier if you have a large circle of friends to lean on.  While students lean on their friends, they are also influenced by their friends.  In an effort to fit in, choices can be made that will take the student further from Christ and themselves. 

I have seen good kids make poor choices.  I have also seen good kids make good choices, but I want to focus on the poor choices.  I have made poor choices throughout my life.  I look back on some of the situations I put myself in, and I shudder.  What was I thinking?  Why would I do that?  How did I manage to get out of that?  I know that hindsight is 20/20 and it is so much easier to say "I shouldn't have done that" than it is to say "I am not going to do that."  Everyone has had moments where they get caught up in the moment and just go with the flow.  Then BOOM the next thing you know you are looking at consequences of a poor choice.  It happens to everyone! 

Unless you find yourself on a game show or in a life or death situation, there is always some time to think before making a decision.  Always try to answer the following questions:

1. Does this activity or plan please God or sadden him?
     We know that we are all saved by God's grace, but is what you are planning do going to cheapen that grace?

2. Does this activity or plan honor God, or is it something to draw attention to yourself?
    We know that we are supposed to put others before ourselves, so is this all about you?

3. Does this activity or plan please your parents or grieve them?
    Really think about what would happen if your parents knew you were going to go through with this plan.  Would you be in trouble?

4. Does this activity or plan show that you love God or that you love the world?
    As Christians we should be living our beliefs not just saying them. 

Keeping Christ in the center of all our lives is the goal.  No one is perfect and everyone will make mistakes, just slow down and think before you decide what to do.  Remember Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Dueces ~Jennifer