Friday, December 20, 2013

Most wonderful time of the year....

School is out!  It is Christmas break!  The children and youth of Fremont are excited as the second quarter is over with, and Christmas is almost here.  Some parents may be excited to have more time with their children, but other parents may be stressing about child care or Christmas. 

There always seems to be talk about stress around Christmas time.  Even in our prayers during youth group, the youth were praying for their parents and families to not be so stressed about the season.  That says a lot when the kids are hoping the parents will calm down.

Christmas has become so commercialized.  I do not think it will ever be able to go back to the way it was.  I am just as guilty as the next person, striving to find the perfect gifts for my children, so that they can have a good Christmas.

What does that even mean, "a good Christmas"?  As I sit here in my recliner, typing this I look at my house.  I have a tree up, I have Christmas decorations up, I have presents under the tree.  Are these requirements to have a good Christmas?  Do children really need the best presents to enjoy the season? 

I look at what I would need to have a good Christmas, and that is happiness with my family.  I would love to just have a day with them, and not worry about anything.  To spend the day in their company, rejoicing the gift that was given to the world thousands of years ago.  It is hard for children to fully understand the gift of Jesus, as they are not far enough on their faith journeys to fully comprehend what that means.  There are times when I have trouble wrapping my brain around what God gave us.  The presents we give each other at the holidays are intended to remind us of the gift that God gave us.  I have to ask though, did God really intend for us to spend so much money to celebrate his son's birthday?

I do not think that was ever his intention.  God wants us to remember the gift he gave us, but to not corrupt it.  I think as modern humans, we have to find the balance and remember to keep Christ in Christmas.  With cooking, baking, parties, gifts, and family it can be hard to keep Christ in Christmas.  We have to try though.  There would be no Christmas if it was not for Christ.  Sure businesses have helped to over commercialize this holiday, but it wouldn't be a holiday if it were not for Christ.

So there is a purpose to all this holiday madness.  There is a reason that kids get out of school for two weeks.  People just need to remember the reason, remember to keep Christ around.  I can not give you the formula for that on a silver platter, as each family is different, I can only give you suggestions.

You may read The Night Before Christmas, well I encourage you to also read the Christmas story from the bible.  If you have no problem talking about Santa with your children, there should be no problem talking about Christ.  I would recommend Luke 2:1-20 as it a great story about the birth of Christ.  You can also find numerous picture books to share with your children as you tell this story. 

I would also encourage you to attend a Christmas service at a church.  There are numerous churches that have contemporary or traditional services along with candlelight or praise services.  I do not know your personal tastes, so I cannot tell you which one to attend.  I am personally attending an 11:30 pm praise service on Christmas Eve with my family.  There will be no sermon, just songs rejoicing the time of year.  I prefer to worship in song, that is how get spiritually fulfilled.  It is a personal choice. 

A church service is a wonderful way to teach your children about the reason for the season.  This is one of the most wonderful times of the year, we rejoice in the gift given to us so many years ago; and then we get to start a new year full of new promises.  It is a time to be with family and loved ones.  It is a time to slow down.  If you think that you cannot slow down, I hope you take a look at what you have made Christmas in your house, and find a way to change it so that you can enjoy it.  Your children will remember moments not gifts when they are older.  They want memories and traditions that they can pass on to their own children.  Gifts break or are worn out, memories last a lifetime.

I wish that each of you have a Christmas full of memories for the right reasons.  I wish that each of you have a good Christmas, whatever that definition may be for you.  I also wish that each of you remember the reason for this precious season and make that reason a part of your holiday.  God bless each of you!


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